The Sonic X-4 is the first no-holds-barred cartridge in the Hyper line. It is the result of a creative collaboration between designer Gary Koh of Genesis Advanced Technologies and Micha Huber of HiFiction AG, the Swiss designer and manufacturer of EMT, Exquisite, and Goldenberg cartridges, as well as the Thales line of precision turntables and tonearms. Mr. Koh has applied all his years of engineering experience and knowledge to develop a cartridge that is completely musically satisfying, to his own extremely high standards. Previously, he had a number of favorite cartridges, that could each do certain things exactly as he wished, but came up short in other areas. He thought he had finally found his ideal all-the-way-around cartridge when we introduced him to the spectacular Transfiguration Proteus D. Unfortunately, with the sudden death of Transfiguration designer Seiji Yoshioka in 2018, the company ceased production and we were left looking for another perfect fit. It took several years and a pandemic to ultimately find a suitable replacement cartridge line in Goldenberg, with the same musically seamless, lifelike presentation that Transfiguration had spoiled us with for so many years. With the collaboration of Mr. Huber, Mr. Koh applied his knowledge of micro-vibrations and their effects on cartridge performance, to produce a cartridge that puts less vibrational energy back into the tonearm, so that even imperfect tonearms will sound great. The design goal was to design the most musically accurate and emotionally compelling cartridge yet made. Based on listening experience, the goal was met with total success.


Sonic X-series Phono Cartridge

Technical Specifications